
Jim Letourneau's Blog

Retired Life

Investing, Technology, Travel, Geology, Music, Golf. I think that covers it.

Polaris Music Prize - The Buried Gems

The Polaris Music Prize is a boon to obscure Canadian bands who make interesting music. They have a fighting chance to gain attention through participating in the Polaris Music Prize (see below).

Polaris recognizes and markets albums of the highest artistic integrity, without regard to musical genre, professional affiliation, or sales history. it is is adjudicated by selected music journalists, broadcasters and bloggers.

Anyone who listens to the entire long list of nominated albums is going to be a Canadian music expert. In the interests of that brevity thing, I'm only considering the short list nominees.

After looking through the track order vs number of plays on Rdio, I've dug up the buried gems (if any) for each album. These are songs that people have added to their virtual or mental playlists. They can't be the first track of the album or the title track of the album as those are pretty obvious starting points when checking out a band. The buried gems show up as a disruption in the pattern of declining number plays by track order.

Maybe these tunes were played on CBC Radio 3 or CKUA or a campus station somewhere inspiring people to check them out.

  • Braids - Native Speaker: Native Speaker is track 4 - nothing buried

  • Destroyer - Kaputt: Kaputt is track 6 - nothing buried

  • Galaxie - Tigre et diesel : (first track, Piste 1 has double the plays of any other song on the album... no buried gems here but very listenable out of the chute)

  • The Weeknd - House Of Balloons: not listed on Rdio but major YouTube plays

The first song on each of these albums always had the most plays. Even title tracks receive fewer plays than the first song of an album.